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February 28, 2003
Becci had a girl!
February 27, 2003
Becci had a 7.8 pound girl February 27th. Her water broke at 7 am and she had her at 2 pm. How's that for fast service eh? Her name is pending though but I'm sure she has many names picked out on a list somewhere.
[Mommy at 12:18 AM
Getting REALLY big
February 18, 2003
Yup I'm big now! The basketball has gotten heavier with each passing day. Actually the picture down below makes me look bigger than I really am. You know how pictures make you look 10 pounds heavier. I'm 175 pounds now and I'm almost reaching Dave's weight. Scary but true. My best friend will be having her baby either today or tommorrow cause her water broke today. This is her third and she's having it at home. I can't wait to hear what she had. This one's a surprise so we'll see. The crib arrived! I went out and bought some sheets so I'll have something for the baby to lie down on. Now the room looks like a baby's room and it's all organized to my satisfaction. I had my fifth ultrasound on Tuesday and he was too big to get any real picture. Estimated weight right now is 5 pounds 9 ounces and it feels more like 12 pounds. There's not much room now for it to move around so now all I get is rolling motions and hiccups. Three and a half weeks left until I can eat again! Yipee!
[Mommy at 02:57 PM
Crazy? Not Me!
I'm gonna be driving Dave nuts soon. Just thought I'd warn some of you. I'm starting to do the nesting thing now. I've been staring at a house with too much disorganization and I have vowed to do a little each day to reorganize it. We've really got way too much stuff that is just sitting in boxes. Still no crib but Dave is working on it with someone at work. Two men trying to organize getting a crib to our house. Ya I know it's a chance I'm taking leaving it up to them but I'm sure the baby won't mind sleeping in a laundry hamper for the first year of life. Really I have confidence since they have five weeks to get it here. I made it through Valentine's week without having any chocolate even though every cooking show was about chocolate. I really don't like it much but now that I can't have it I crave it. Last night I actually cheated and had some cake at the restaurant we went to. I shared it with three other people so I didn't eat it all. Just three bites. Today I wanted a coke and now I'm dreaming about food. They are more like nightmares really. A smooth cheesecake with strawberries is on the top of my list and a Starbucks hot chocolate with whip cream and chocolate sauce. I'm bad and probably making you hungry reading this but this is what occupies my mind lately. That and the Joe Millionaire guy is a loser. Could they have picked anybody more stupid on the planet for this show? I don't watch these shows but he was on a talk show and he really is hokey.
[Mommy at 11:18 PM
Candid picture!
February 13, 2003
Aha! I got a nice candid picture of Mommy the other day, you should all enjoy this to no end. Oh, and a picture of the new carseat with empty (so far) baby clothes in it.
[Daddy at 01:43 AM
Kicking, part II
February 08, 2003
Well my friend made it out of the hospital and I found out he had pneumonia for a week. He's fine now and thank god for that. I don't need any more troubles in my life right now. The shakiness has subsided and I feel better. I still can't do anything and the lack of choices in the food department sucks but I'm still kicking. Well actually the baby is kicking. He's now jabbing my left hip bone and the right one too but not at the same time fortunately. It's the wierdest feeling too. I got a new diabetic pricking machine because I gave up using the other one. My fingers weren't drawing enough blood to test because I have the symptoms of carpal tunnel in both my hands now. This actually is a blessing to me since it prohibits me from using the needles on my fingers. But alas my doctor found a cure for me and now I get to prick my arms instead. The great thing about this one is it doesn't hurt and I can actually pull the trigger without any help. It still makes Dave cringe to think about it or be around it. Now my arms have track marks. Can you believe it? 5 and a half weeks to go! Thank god for television!
[Mommy at 11:32 PM
Things to worry about
February 02, 2003
Funny how things change so dramatically in the last trimester. One week you are feeling this and that and the next week is all different. My blood pressure shot up again. (oh like it's a surprise to me or something). My insurance company is stalling and making a big fuss causing me to break the pressure barrier this week. Fortunately my doctor's secretary fights for me giving them hell for contributing to my problem. I just started taking medication for the blood pressure and it's doing funky things to me. You know you think you are in hell and then they invent another hell to top it. Now I have trouble leaving the couch with this medication. It makes me shaky and drowsy and extremely slower. The baby is growing too big and I get another ultrasound to prove that theory soon. Now I learn that one of my dearest grandfather type friends has been in the hospital for the last three days and I'm worried that he is in trouble and I can't visit him. He's the baby's honourary grandfather so to speak and I don't know how I would live without seeing him every week. We have met every week for lunch for some years now since his retirement.
[Mommy at 10:14 PM
Birthing Classes
We finished our first birthing classes with much success. I got alot out of the class and we met some great people there. We will all have a reunion once everyone has their little ones. Our teacher was also due which will make it fun and exciting because we'll all have a baby this time. Now I'm 33 weeks with 7 or less to go. I'm bummed out because I had to miss the Monster Truck show this year and I can't get my boating licence at the boat show either. Too much walking for me to accomplish I'm afraid. Hopefully the truck show will be back next year and I might be able to get my boating licence in April up in Vernon. I'll have to make a special trip to do that. I'm sure Mom & Dad won't be unhappy about that. I won't be able to ride the seedoos unless I get the licence so it's important if I am going to be spending alot of time up at the cabin this year with the baby and all. I gotta have some fun eh? My next big trip will be the Maternity Ward tour on the 13th with Dave. I'll have to get all my questions written down soon. Mom got the baby's first outfit for leaving the hospital so we are all nice and dressed when we leave. It's so cute and if I can get a picture I will put it up.
[Mommy at 10:52 AM