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October 28, 2002
Busy busy busy part II
October 25, 2002
My week just got busy. I have to have another ultrasound on Wednesday and then another appointment on Thursday and then my regular appointment on Friday and then I see my GP after that. Wed and Thurs are at BC Women's Hospital and the others are in Richmond. I'm also doing our social club annual pumpkin carving tomorrow night and I have a course on Wednesday night for three hours. Sounds like too much eh? Some weeks are like that and then others are very quiet. I am just starting to read this book I ordered called "Birthing from within" by Pam England and it looks like a good read. Website: www.birthingfromwithin.com
[Mommy at 09:57 PM
October 22, 2002
The ultrasound was interesting and exciting. We saw the whole body and the individual parts and all. We couldn't see a good shot of it's face so we saw the back of the head alot. She did get a shot of the face but it was not dead on. She printed a copy of the pic of the face she got earlier in the examination so I got to see the alien I'm carrying. Quite skeletal in appearance. Dave will put it up on the site sometime soon. The baby is low and this is because the placenta attached itself to the bottom of my uterus. If this is true I will not be having a natural childbirth but a cesarean birth. But this is just the preliminary details and I will be talking to a specialist next week to examine the findings in more detail. By all accounts the baby looks great!
[Mommy at 11:12 PM
October 13, 2002
Well we were supposed to be going to our first prenatal class last night but the hospital has cancelled all their classes. They no longer offer them so now I am going to hopefully be registering somewhere else soon. My doula's partner teaches prenatal classes so I'm hoping to get in her January classes. Her name is also Tracy. The ultrasound is Friday afternoon so we will have b & w pictures for all to guess at. I don't put too much into those pictures. They don't look much like babies to me. But you can interpret them as you like. I'm going to bring the video camera in so I can see the whole thing in real time. What the heck! You only live once and then maybe once more. Maybe they'll be twins. Wouldn't Dave have a bird or maybe two?
[Mommy at 10:54 PM
October 06, 2002
Yesterday I registered at Toy's R Us and found that they had a very good selection. I took my mother in law, Karen with me and we had a good time. My friend Drina visited me from Edmonton and we went shopping at Value Village for her maternity clothes. She's due the 24th of March so we are exactly alike in our belly bulges. She found nothing and I found four tops and one pair of pants. Her size is quite smaller than mine so it's more difficult for her to find clothes I'm afraid. I finished my costume for Halloween today. I will see if I can get a picture of it when I put it on for our Halloween party. I'll post it if I do. It's hard to describe without pictures. I also made some baby cloths from two/three metres of fabric I found at Value Village for a $1.49. I got a call from my other friend Tasha and she's due on the 28th of March. It must have been a busy week for us!
[Dave Stewart at 08:52 PM
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October 02, 2002
What a busy day mom and I had today! We went to the Bay to register and just as we started the power on the west side of Richmond went out. We were in total darkness for 2 seconds in the china department. Not the place to be in the dark I'm afraid. We had to come back later to finish up and we successfully did that. Next week it's Sears. We figure with mom's back we'll do one place at a time so she can go with me. At the Bay they gave me a teddy bear picture frame for the baby's room. It's so cute. At the Bay I registered under Myhre and Stewart and hopefully Sears will do the same. They do the registering on a scanner now and it makes it so much easier to go around and just scan things instead of writing it all down.
[Mommy at 11:17 PM
Doctor visit part II
Well today I had my second doctors appointment and what a morning I had. Today was the lovely exam part. The one where they prod and poke you to death and you feel so uncomfortable all day. The only exitement that came out of that was I got to hear the baby's heartbeat. So yes there is a baby in there somewhere floating around my belly. I've gained nine pounds so far and my doctor said my belly was coming up like it should. All my tests came back fine and I'm not immune to German Measles so don't come near me if you have them. I'm also not immune to the disease you can get from being around cats. My little angel doesn't get any more kisses from me or petted as much. She's going to feel hurt but ce la vie. We all must make sacrifices.
[Mommy at 07:20 PM