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June 27, 2005
Long Weekend

Last week Darren caught a nasty virus. It started when we picked up my roomate at the airport. Darren puked all over the backseat and I had to clean up while waiting. When Marty showed up I said, "Welcome home!". It was not a pretty sight. Thus my week ended when Dave & I both ended up sicker than dogs. Fortunately my parents were taking Darren to Vernon with them on the day we got sick and unfortunately they were sick on the way up to Vernon with Darren. It was like a whirlwind virus and attacked with vengence. I didn't move for two days, it was that bad.

As you may have picked up we have been childless for a week and I'm getting lots of things done quicker than normal. Sunday was my best day to date and I mowed the lawn and fertilized it and shopped for a while. The yard is shaping up nicely and filling in with vegetables and weeds. Here's a pic of the yard I took before I got sick.


All mowed and pretty.

Here's Emily and Darren & Dave.

IMG_4035.JPG Img_3974A.jpg

[Mommy at 11:10 PM ]
June 09, 2005
Progression & Upgrades

Here's where we started from to where we are now.

photo500.jpg IMG_3944.JPG

These are some of my plants. My Butterfly Bush (I have two), English Boxwood for my hedge, and a blueberry tree and my Gunnera plant. It's small now but it won't be for long.

01ButterflyBush1.JPG 16EnglishBoxwood.JPG 19Gunnera.JPG

I also have 18 other shrubs and 40 impatients and not to mention Marty's vegtable garden on the other side of the lawn. The Dalia's are about two feet tall now and one is about to flower.

Now we just have to keep the lawn watered.

Darren is all over his play yard and here's a couple of pictures. He found the only puddle we had during the construction. Boy was that mucky!

IMG_3911.JPG IMG_3950.JPG IMG_3956.JPG

[Mommy at 11:01 PM ]
June 06, 2005
New backyard picture!

Marty spent most of the day Saturday rolling down sod, and this is the end result. Pretty impressive, if I do say so myself.


[Daddy at 11:39 AM ]
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