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February 17, 2004
Outdoor Show
February 10, 2004
Simone, Ian, Dave, Darren and I went to the Golf & Outdoor show at BC Place Stadium. Here's a picture of my two favourite guys.
[Mommy at 10:48 PM
First Step
He took his first step on February 8th. He walked from the end table to the coffee table. Right in front of me too which made it even better and it's my birthday today (9th) so that's his birthday present for me I guess. Darren got a present from his second cousin, Sharon, who lives near Portland, Oregon. She works for the FBI there which might explain the blanket. Check it out! It says FBI future agent. He also started laying on the ground and I'm not sure what it means. He stays still and then he gets up and proceeds to do it again. I fortunately got a picture of it. He met Gramma Rose's dog, Cutie, and she really liked licking his face. He wasn't so impressed with it because Samantha doesn't lick his face at all. I finally got my two guys in a picture together and myself with Darren.
[Mommy at 12:28 AM