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February 18, 2003

Crazy? Not Me!

I'm gonna be driving Dave nuts soon. Just thought I'd warn some of you. I'm starting to do the nesting thing now. I've been staring at a house with too much disorganization and I have vowed to do a little each day to reorganize it. We've really got way too much stuff that is just sitting in boxes. Still no crib but Dave is working on it with someone at work. Two men trying to organize getting a crib to our house. Ya I know it's a chance I'm taking leaving it up to them but I'm sure the baby won't mind sleeping in a laundry hamper for the first year of life. Really I have confidence since they have five weeks to get it here.

I made it through Valentine's week without having any chocolate even though every cooking show was about chocolate. I really don't like it much but now that I can't have it I crave it. Last night I actually cheated and had some cake at the restaurant we went to. I shared it with three other people so I didn't eat it all. Just three bites. Today I wanted a coke and now I'm dreaming about food. They are more like nightmares really. A smooth cheesecake with strawberries is on the top of my list and a Starbucks hot chocolate with whip cream and chocolate sauce. I'm bad and probably making you hungry reading this but this is what occupies my mind lately. That and the Joe Millionaire guy is a loser. Could they have picked anybody more stupid on the planet for this show? I don't watch these shows but he was on a talk show and he really is hokey.

Posted by Mommy at February 18, 2003 11:18 PM
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