Welcome to our Baby Page!
September 30, 2002
September 23, 2002
My parents and I went to T.J.'s Kids World which is in the same parking lot as Ikea. They have quite a selection there. We are going to register this week there as well as a couple of other places. The most asked question I get right now is "How are you feeling?" I always shrug thinking is there supposed to be a special different feeling for pregnant women? I feel fine and no different than normal. I figure they should wait to ask me at the end when my back is killing me and I can't wait to give birth. Then I'll have the answer they seem to be looking for. My second appointment is Friday morning and it'll be my first exam and more tests with needles. Thank god it'll be Friday so I can recouperate over the weekend.
[Mommy at 11:17 PM
Funny stuff
September 22, 2002
I had a chuckle today. One of my friends said something funny today. I told her I got a good deal on this baby bottle I bought and she said, "You're not supposed to buy stuff are you? Isn't everyone supposed to get you all that stuff at the shower." I laughed and said, "You can always use more than one bottle." She was surprised that a baby would use more than one or two bottles. I then said, "You try living with one glass and see how far you get."
[Mommy at 10:05 PM
More deals
September 19, 2002
Another trip to Value Village was yet again fruitful. I got 4 tops and 1 pair of pants and I found these great baby hats for when we trek up to Vernon. They are baseball type hats with a neck shield and they are made out of fabric of fishes and stuff. I also picked up 220 bottle liners that had never been opened and some bottles to go with it. I tested them and they fit in the bottle I got. I got the bottle liners for 1.49 and the bottle for .99 and the baby hats for .99 each. It's a surprise every time I go to find all this stuff. Makes my life and money spending easier to deal with.
[Mommy at 09:03 AM
Prenatal classes
September 16, 2002
I booked our first Prenatal class for October which is an introductory night. The rest of our classes will be in January when it's closer to the baby's birth. No sense in taking them now so I will forget it all when the time comes. My friend, Drina, called me on the weekend to tell me she's due the day before me. How bizarre? We almost had to have planned that one eh?
[Mommy at 10:53 PM
Busy busy busy...
September 11, 2002
This weekend was busy. We had a bbq on Saturday and I got a new dresser for the baby's room from my parents. I got some other little kiddy things from my cousin Sandy and my mother in law, Karen. It's a good thing I have something to put them into cause I'm starting to use the floor now. Suncay I went on a car rally with the photoclub and we went everywhere all day driving around Richmond taking photos of clues we had to find. The best part was the trip to the Firehall and taking pictures of the firemen. That was a blast. I hope my picture turns out cause I think it symbolizes firemen to a tee. Everyone is starting to ask me what my theme is and my answer is I don't care about themes and I have no plans to alter the room in any way. I'm practical, not materialistic. Sorry but children don't care what it looks like, as long as it's warm, soft and meets their needs. If they had to choose between a pot and a toy which one do you think they'd pick up?
[Mommy at 09:30 PM
September 08, 2002
What a day today! Bombarded with 9/11 stuff is depressing and hopeful at the same time. I watched the French Canadian brothers video (9/11) of actually being there and that was all I wanted to see. They did a great job of sticking to the documentary they were trying to achieve in the first place. Bravo! My brother brought me breakfast this morning. He enticed me with a sausage mcmuffin and then suprised me with a hash brown to top it off. It was a good thing I brought my four litres of milk to work with me today. I recently got a wonderful offer of free maternity clothes from someone I just met. They are a nice couple with a new 2 1/2 week old son. Riley. Two more days of work and then my weekend begins. I can sleep in and not care what I look like until Monday morning. Dave says "wow, you sure are looking pregnant!" I say "Thanks" and smile.
[Mommy at 11:59 PM
Savings Galore
September 06, 2002
This weekend was fruitful indeed! I bought more clothes at Value Village. I got these jeans for 3 dollars and a top for 2 dollars. I mean how can you go wrong for that kinda savings. I also found a baby sling for 6 dollars and a playtex bottle with the air filter for 2 dollars. It wasn't even out of the package yet. Today my cousin Sandy and I went all over Langley to different places to see what was out there. We were exhausted after a hard day of walking and having fun. The Sears and Bay out there had maternity wear but it was very limited rack space. I found a bathingsuit to wear when I go exercise at the pool (when I get a little bigger that is).
[Mommy at 10:39 PM
First Doctor Visit
Ok the first picture is good but the second is a little too bright. My first visit to the doctor today and boy what a day I've had. I was in at 10:40 and left at 12:15. Today was just talking and medical history scrutiny. Then I had the needle. I hate seeing anything puncturing my skin. It gives me the creeps. Anyway, I had every test known to man done today and a nice little package of pamphlets and a book to read. At the next appointment, in four weeks, I get another test for Down Syndrome and other birth defects. I even get the diebetes test sometime up the road. It should be very interesting to see what my body does with all that juice they give me. Does it sound like I'm the guinea pig here to you?
[Mommy at 09:13 PM
Good luck, honey!
September 05, 2002
Good luck at the doctors, honey. Not that I think you'll be needing it.
[Daddy at 12:58 AM
Yucky day
September 04, 2002
Well today has to be the worst day I've ever felt. I woke up with a headache and cramps. The cramps went away but the headache stayed. The morning was a blur for me but as the afternoon wore on it became almost normal for me again. I mean what is with that? It kinda scared me but I began to think positive and see what that will do for ya huh? This was the day I wanted an Advil but opted for the tylenol instead since it's the only thing I can take for any pain. It's a crime not to be able to take anything for whatever ails you. Everybody is starting to find out I'm pregnant at work and I'm getting positive feedback from the guys. All the girls know of course but I left the guys in the dark. Now the light is appearing for them it seems.
[Mommy at 09:28 PM
Baby Furniture
September 02, 2002
I forgot to tell you I now have my first piece of baby furniture. Mom and Dad had this dresser they purchased years ago and it's still in the box! I spotted it in the closet and thought that would go good in the baby's room. Mom said I could take it if I wanted it since it was never going to get out of the box up there any time soon. So now I have a home for baby clothes and other things. It's country style and very stencilable which is cool. The only snag right now is that Dad has to remember to bring it down with them when they head for home. We got our new replacement stove today! Now I will be able to cook my casseroles and meatloaf again. Perhaps try out the roast and turkey on occasion. I pray this one works for a long, long time.
[Mommy at 10:52 PM
Ok, I admit it,I'm no good at math. I have 29 weeks to go. Mom and I shopped at one store in Vernon which had fantastic clothes. I took some photos of them for all to see but I will have to suck up to Dave to get them up on the site. Soon they will appear I promise. I had a quiet and happy filled weekend, especially after I found clothes I could relax in for a change. The weather held long enough for me to venture forth on the seadoos for a day. I got some sun but it fades quickly it seems. The clothes make me feel more pregnant now and actually I feel very relaxed in them which will be a bonus at work.
[Mommy at 09:31 PM