Welcome to our Baby Page!
March 28, 2004
Back to Work
March 18, 2004
Darren has spent one whole week in daycare now and he loves it. My time with him is limited during the week and mom has practically gone through withdrawl. Our time together on the weekend is more important now it seems. Today he watched me weed the front yard and he was fine with the situation so I think I'll do that more often. The yard needs it for sure. Soon, if I can get the time to call someone, we will be getting our backyard done properly. More beautiful grass and another shed to house some more items and possibly a larger cement deck to accommodate another table and chairs. We use our backyard so much that we need an upgrade. Everything has changed at work. Even my boss has changed. The office is a different color and the desks are arranged differently. Even my job has added features. Hopefully the work will come in and I will be overloaded with it because I don't like to be idle. I like organization and lots of work to organize too.
[Mommy at 09:27 PM
March 10, 2004
Darren is blossoming in daycare. He seems very energized and happy when he leaves daycare which makes me happy. They love him there because he's so good with them. Even their older children think he's great and they say they want to keep him and the rest of the kids can go home. Darren's first birthday went well and there were children everywhere. My best friend came down from Prince George with her brood of three. Otherwise there were just us adults and Shelby (she's 8). He didn't destroy the ice cream cake but he enjoyed laying his hands all over it.
[Mommy at 11:59 PM
Welcome to Emily!
Wow I haven't written in so long. Darren is growing tall and thin now. He's 21 pounds. He starts his trial run of daycare on the 15th of March and we go full alert daycare on the 22nd. I'm not sure how I will be for the first two weeks. A new experience for me to be away from my son 8 hours a day. I hope he copes well. I've been preoccupied with my brother's girlfriend and her final days of pregnancy. She gave birth March 8th at 12:57 pm by emergency C-section to a 8 pound 7 ounce girl. Jason had to suit up for the procedure and he looked like a doctor in his hospital garb. He wheeled his little girl upstairs to the nursery where we saw her for the first time. She was 17 minutes old in the pictures I took. Her full name is Emily Elaine Myhre. I spent the rest of the afternoon with Jason and Emily while we waited for them to bring Simone up from recovery. Simone had a hard time of it because she was in labour for three days until she couldn't stand it anymore and came to the hospital. She was fantastic and courageous under the stresses she endured.
[Mommy at 12:32 AM