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April 29, 2004
Spring Fever
April 18, 2004
Well Darren is not having a good time teething these days. He's had three fevers in a month and they haven't been pretty. Today was the latest one and he was not as screamy about it after the first hour of pain. I guess you get used to it after a while and figure why bother making a fuss about it. He laid on me all afternoon like a dead weight. He was awake most of that time but not very alive and spirited as usual. He seemed to love laying his head on me and relishing the time with mommy. I guess I'm good for some things eh? He had a fever of about 102 for a few hours but it seems to come and go as it pleases. Hopefully he will be better in the morning. I've been feeding him lots of warm and cold milk. He even took a cookie earlier after his dinner but he didn't finish it so he wasn't over the fever at that point. Dave took him so I could eat dinner and Darren fell asleep on his chest for a while. I hurt my back again and it never seems to have time to heal properly. I've been doing small exercises on the exercise ball I have.
[Mommy at 11:24 PM
April 2004
Darren has developed a more defined personality since being in daycare. He's more social and talkative and he smiles even more. He jumped right into daycare and hasn't looked back. He's been sick with the thing I had and now that's over. Two days ago he was very upset and unresponsive which alarmed the girls at daycare so mom had to take him home and nurse him back to a happier disposition. He wasn't eating and seemed like he was in another world and very whiny sounding. It was the strangest thing because Darren has never been under the weather like that before. We knew it must be bad if he didn't want to eat because he loves eating and drinking. He took a three hour nap and voila he returned to us as a normal Darren. It was attributed to his teeth because there was no other explanation. Then the next day he woke up from his afternoon nap with a fever and I had to pick him up early. In a few hours that disapeared and he was himself again. Also attributed to teething. He's been fine ever since. In fact he's been very exploritory this weekend and investigating every cupboard in the kitchen and running around the backyard. The first picture is the day I let him explore the peas. Self Explanatory I think!
[Mommy at 11:47 PM