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February 08, 2003

Things to worry about

Funny how things change so dramatically in the last trimester. One week you are feeling this and that and the next week is all different. My blood pressure shot up again. (oh like it's a surprise to me or something). My insurance company is stalling and making a big fuss causing me to break the pressure barrier this week. Fortunately my doctor's secretary fights for me giving them hell for contributing to my problem. I just started taking medication for the blood pressure and it's doing funky things to me. You know you think you are in hell and then they invent another hell to top it. Now I have trouble leaving the couch with this medication. It makes me shaky and drowsy and extremely slower. The baby is growing too big and I get another ultrasound to prove that theory soon. Now I learn that one of my dearest grandfather type friends has been in the hospital for the last three days and I'm worried that he is in trouble and I can't visit him. He's the baby's honourary grandfather so to speak and I don't know how I would live without seeing him every week. We have met every week for lunch for some years now since his retirement.

Posted by Mommy at February 8, 2003 10:14 PM
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