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January 15, 2005
Jan 15th
January 10, 2005
We are still recovering from the sickness. Darren's not really back to normal yet and today he was a little more whiny and uncomfortable. His grandpa from Castlegar came for a visit and they enjoyed a little play time together. His cousin, Emily, will be in the same daycare three days a week so that will be fun for Darren. He is very protective of his cousin and he likes to make sure she has lots of cheerios to eat. I thought I'd put in an old picture of Dan with Dave when he was little. Darren and I thought it would be entertaining to imagine we were on the slopes in a sled so we improvised a little.
[Mommy at 10:35 PM
Happy What?
Our year has started with a nasty, nasty something that came from hell. I started feeling it Thursday night and got progressively worse over the weekend. Saturday was my peak and I thought I was going to roast to death. I still, now on Monday, can not taste any food (or eat it for that matter). Symptoms in order of occurrence: Heartburn, Constant migraine like headaches, Hacking till you gag or throw up cough, drowsy but sleepy (there is no sleep), shivering to hotter that anything ever experienced for 18 hours straight, aversion to any food or thought of food. Darren began his quest into hell last night and today I lived it with him as he went through the motions I had previously done. Of course I'm not really done yet so I have been miserable all day too. I have managed to stay away from everyone just to stop this vicious cycle from going to anyone else. I hope I succeeded.
[Mommy at 10:47 PM