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July 26, 2004
Recent Pics
July 12, 2004
Here's some recent pictures of Darren. Darren finally had water in his pool and enjoyed every minute. We all went for a walk and a swing one day. Even Emily got into the action. On Sunday Darren enjoyed his first popsicles and they melted all over him. He went in a private pool for the second time in his life and he enjoyed splashing mommy and waving to people he didn't know. He's quite the actor and he loves an audience it seems. His head is getting too big for his shirts to fit through and these are the 18/24 months ones. He's saying individual words now and he enjoys it when you repeat it back to him so he can read your lips. Today was "bubba" which is the name of one of his friends in daycare. He said "milk" tonight to granny. Everyday it's a new word.
[Mommy at 11:58 PM
We enjoyed Canada Day at granny and grampa Myhre's house on Okanagan Lake. That's our lake car and it's great for him to enjoy the lake plus it saves Auntie Simone's arms from getting tired holding him. We got this sweet number for a good deal. We even replaced the "little tikes" emblem for a real chevy ss emblem. Of course there has to be a "No Bad Day" sticker on it. This is Emily eating with Darren. She's so cute in spite of the fact that she has Jason's looks too. Wink! Here's some other pics for you to feast your eyes upon. Darren's newest thing is blowing kisses at people. He points out the planes in the sky now. He said "cheese" tonight and he says "hot" sometimes when the food is too hot to touch. Every once in a while he will say something that sounds like a word but your never sure if it was a real word or not because he doesn't repeat it when you ask him to. He's in size 6 shoes now.
[Mommy at 11:08 PM