Welcome to our Baby Page!
August 28, 2002
Vernon Trip!
August 25, 2002
We're off to Vernon to visit with mom & dad and play with the lake toys. This will be our last time to play without a boating license so we will enjoy it. I guess it's time to study for the boating test so we can play next year. I found that Sears only carries the maternity line in their catalogue so ordering I will do. Vernon has a Walmart so we will check there on Friday. I'm growing too big for my clothes now. In the last four days I have seemed to explode out of my jeans and shorts. It's time now to tell everyone so I can wear my maternity clothes to work. 10 and a half weeks now and 39 and a half to go! Yipee!!
[Mommy at 11:48 PM
August 21, 2002
What a weekend! Dave and I went to the PNE with some friends and had a great time. I almost made it to the 10:30 fireworks but alas my back was hurting and I needed some sleep. We were there since noon so it was a full day. I watched all the people on the rides alas but we had plenty to do that didn't involve going on rides. Next year mommy is going to go on the rides while Daddy watches the little one. Today I found that the only reasonable place to find inexpensive maternity wear was at Value Village. The Bay, Sears, and Zellers don't carry maternity wear which is a crime. Where do all the pregnant women shop?
[Mommy at 11:36 PM
Boring? I don't THINK so!
August 20, 2002
You know I find that if I don't write something no one will come by occasionally to see what I wrote and the site will be boring. I am not a person who speaks much and I find that listening is more interesting to me. So this diary thing is very helpful to those I don't speak too often in person to and also to myself because it keeps the juices flowing on my end. Basically I'm not feeling pregnant enough to have anything big wow to say about it. I feel sometimes that I don't know enough when I hear others who have children talk about their experiences. I feel like I'm the child listening to the parent telling me how it is going to be. Will I be a great mom? Will we be a great family together? The big questions we will soon know the answers to I suppose.
[Mommy at 09:41 PM
No midwife for me.
August 19, 2002
I tried to get a midwife but failed. They only seem to take people who live in Vancouver and not the outlying cities. This kinda ticks me off some because I really wanted my baby at BC Women's Hospital which is where midwives work. I then tried to find a doctor that has rights to deliver at BC Women's and found that I would have to travel a long way to visit her. And when I found out you have to see them every four weeks I thought why should I do all that travelling when I can find a doctor in Richmond who is closer. I gave up and found one. I'm hoping that I made the right choice having my baby at Richmond General. I at least had the luck to get a doula. You can look up a Doula's job on the internet if you are interested. I found it quite helpful to read up on it. She is basically my coach before, during, and after the delivery. So far I have had one disappointment with this whole pregnancy thing. I can't go on any rides at the PNE!
[Mommy at 11:20 PM
9th week
August 13, 2002
Week number nine and I'm still going strong. I don't feel much like I'm pregnant. I told mom that and she laughed and said, "You will soon enough, enjoy it while it lasts!" I ate all the Cheeser Pleasers in a week flat. I'm still hungry for things all the time though. I still drink lots of water and vegetables and fruits but I was weak twice this week and broke down and drank some Coca Cola. I know, it was wrong but I just miss it so much. My best friend came down last week for a visit. She's three weeks ahead of me in her pregnancy. Then I found out my other two friends are also pregnant and due in April. My cousin is in town and I know they are trying to have a child and I told her to come over and visit cause I think it's contagious now!
[Mommy at 11:20 PM
8th week
August 12, 2002
Well I'm into my 8th week and getting very hungry. I'm staying away from caffeine successfully so far but seem to be liking these Cheese Pleasers an awful lot. The baby and I prefer to eat at the Whitespot alot too. My only pet peeve right now is the amount of bathroom visits I take in one day and the amount of water I must consume in order to keep the visits up. Sheesh!
[Mommy at 12:07 AM
This should work now!
Dave tells me that everything should work on the page now, so if you have any problems, email him!
[Mommy at 02:18 PM
We are having a baby!
Tracy and I are having a baby - in case you didn't notice the title of this page. My skills at dealing with this type of thing appear to be very limited, but I can build webpages! So here is my contribution to this effort. Tracy will be able to add comments at will to this page, so it will be her online diary where everyone can keep track of what's going on for the next 8 months or so. If you have any suggestions that she might like, please email them to me.
[Daddy at 02:32 AM