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September 28, 2004
Some of Darren's Pals
September 09, 2004
Here's some pictures of our recent outings.
[Mommy at 10:25 PM
September is here!
Gee in four years Darren will be going to school. How exciting! He's starting to say things and trying hard to pronounce them. He's doing a fantastic job. He says Thank you when I give him something and he loves this book we got from my old friend Kirsten. It's called Hush little Baby and it's from that well known song. I sing it to him and he loves it when I do it again and again. He likes the teddy bear part and repeats the name of the bear over and over. Our new roomate, Ted, likes it too because Darren is able to say his name. "Only Darren is allowed to call me Teddy" he says. I've been experiencing a migraine for three days now and finally it seems to have stopped. It was getting kind of annoying. Darren and I enjoyed going to the PNE with granny and auntie Simone and cousin Emily. He watched all the kids on the rides and he danced to the super dogs this year instead of sleeping through it like last year. This week's new facination is biting into apples and then eating the whole thing. They are asian pear-apples I'm told he's eating and he likes them because they are small enough for his tiny hands to hold. He's also into hiting people in the face which is not nice right now. He finds it funny to slap someone it seems. Darren took his first flight up to Vernon at the end of August and what a trip it was. My first nightmare began when I mixed up his bottle of formula for the flight. I turned him away from me and hoped he didn't see me. I couldn't just leave him in the terminal so he had to be close by. Once he saw the bottle that was it. It was continual screaming for his bottle hell. I couldn't give it to him because it was boiling hot for one thing and secondly it was for the take off in case his ears started hurting him. Everyone in the terminal was looking at me to do something and I ignored them. (And him too). He screamed until we were down the ramp to the plane. I finally mixed the bottle with cold water and solved his screaming quick. He had it sucked back before we even left the terminal so that foiled that plan. We were on the runway waiting for a plane to land and he saw it land out the window and even then he didn't understand he was in a plane. But when we took off he understood very quickly. He didn't get his own seat so he sat in my lap facing me when we took off. He looked out the window and then back at me and said, "Wow!" with this priceless look on his face. He looked at the couple sitting next to us and said, "Wow!" and then looked out the window saying the same thing over and over. He was so shocked and amazed that I laughed and laughed. He thought that was the best thing he'd ever experienced I think. When we landed he was not amazed though because the brakes made too much noise and the flaps went up on the wing which is what we were looking at. The icing on the cake was that granny and grandpa were in the terminal waiting for us and he was really happy after that. All in all it was a good first flight and Westjet was great in helping us get on smoothly.
[Mommy at 12:11 AM