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May 24, 2003
May 23, 2003
Pics from Mommy's new camera
May 21, 2003
I picked up a Canon A70 Digital camera for Mommy on Mother's day. Nice little piece of equipment! She certainly seems to be happy enough with it, anyhow. And here are some pictures from that camera!
[Daddy at 12:48 PM
Cool Pic!
May 16, 2003
Here’s a picture for you guys to laugh over. He’s 10 weeks old now. We took this on the Steveston wharf yesterday. The thin blue line above his glasses is a hat visor. It folds down to cover the eyes if needed.
[Daddy at 10:45 AM
May 12, 2003
Darren survived his first barbeque last weekend and he was more aware of everyone around him. He was facinated with the outside world that day. Now he looks around at the room he's in and explores what catches his eyes. Sometimes he laughs at these objects he's seeing and sometimes I'm not sure what he's looking at. I got this new digital camera from Dave for Mother's Day and I'm going to go crazy with the pictures when I can figure out how all the features work on it. I've already got some cute pics but I take more than Dave can put up at once. There's so much you can capture in one day of Darren's life. He has slept all night for a least a week now. I'm so lucky that he can do that at 2 months. I feed him at anywhere from 8 pm to 10 pm and he wakes up at 6 am the next morning. This morning he slept until 7:30 which has never happened before. The best morning I had was the other day. He was screaming at 6 am as usual and I came in to feed him but he was asleep having a nightmare so I didn't wake him. Instead I watched him settle down to a peaceful slumber. Then he smiled and woke up. Once he realized he was awake he focused on me and smiled this big wide grin and cooed at me. That made my day. Being loved by another unconditionally is the best ever.
[Mommy at 10:46 PM
Today Darren giggled for the first time today! One milestone after another. Isn't he cute in those pictures Dave put up? Those are his first pair of jeans and that was the first day he wore them. Dad says it's funny that you come in the world wearing your jeans up high like that and in your old age your pants end up in the same place.
[Mommy at 11:39 PM
Couch Potato Pictures
May 10, 2003
Well, I've been slacking on the job of posting pictures, so, here are some newer ones. I've still got lots to go, these are just the tip of the iceberg, as it were.
[Daddy at 03:44 PM
Our Vacation
Vernon was great and relaxing. I passed my boater's licence and I'm glad I have that out of the way. It was very warm up there some days and cold on the other days. It was a kind of a mix of weather. Mom and I went shopping all week and dragged Dad with us. I had to share a room with Darren for the first time and he's quite a sleeper. I had a show every night! He not only talks in his sleep but also moves around constantly and acts out his dreams. He even cries in his sleep like he's hungry and it's funny to watch. You think he's awake and then you check the situation out and he's dreaming it all. He hates to be woken up too fast so I gingerly wake him now. Otherwise I get the "you woke me up" cry and trust me it's loud and angry. Just like his father! Darren did the unthinkable one day, he was angry and hungry and we kept him from the food for a while. I was preparing the "feed bag" I so adoringly call it and he grabbed my nipple with his strong hand. He did not let go. Now you see the situation was actually funny and through the slight pain I was laughing. Eventually Mom had to help me pry his hand off the nipple but we got there. The same day I cut his nails for the first time and, well, I cut into his thumb instead of his finger nail. He definitely has a different scream for pain that I hadn't heard before. It sounds like payback doesn't it? Well later we all laughed about it but for some reason he didn't think it was funny. First he has his genitals cut, then his mom cuts his finger and he's only 8 weeks old. I think he thinks we're all sadists and he's wondering what's next at this point.
[Mommy at 10:30 AM