Welcome to our Baby Page!
January 22, 2003
Thanks Rosie
January 21, 2003
Here's another pic I just got from a friend of mine at work, Rosie. She sent this home with me last week, I got Tracy to scan it so I could have a copy, and figured I might as well put it up here for everyone to enjoy!
[Daddy at 11:57 PM
January Ultrasound
January 20, 2003
I had another ultrasound today. This one was way cooler than the rest. Since he's getting bigger and more and more distinct it's a real treat to see the development happening. I now know what is kicking my right side, it's the foot. He still faces my back but we got a good look at his face today because he turned toward the technician today. I have a picture of that one but it's hard to interpret so I just put up the profile one. This picture is of it's head and it's looking up. You can see the nose and lips and possibly an eye. The baby has hair now and lots of it. It's foot is near the mouth so he must be tickling his chin alot and we saw each individual finger on one hand. The other hand was hidden and the tech said it's lying on the other one. The coolest part was her showing me the tongue on a side view. It is actually sucking and the tongue moves back and forth now and again. Mom still couldn't see what it was and trust me she was looking hard. Well eight and a half weeks and it's going to blow this popsicle stand for sure. Possibly sooner.
[Mommy at 08:52 PM
Stroller pics
January 17, 2003
Here's a picture of my stroller and my glider. The stroller is a Peg perego and I got it on sale at TJ's with a Graco Car Seat. The glider was a gift from Mom and Dad. They brought it down from the Okanagan. It reclines too. Nifty eh?
[Mommy at 01:22 AM
January 06, 2003
I bought a stroller today at TJ's. I need the car seat to get my "out of the hospital free" card when the baby is here so I have been looking around for one. It's the first real major purchase I have made and I've been very happy with my choice so far. I have been proudly showing it off all night to everyone that has visited this evening. I'm sounding wierd already but when you don't do much exciting you take advantage of every opportunity you can. I now have to prick myself everyday, some more often than others. I have a glucose meter now and I test my blood sugar because of the diabetes. I hate needles with a passion and what's even worse is they get you to prick yourself for these tests. I think it takes a lot of courage to put the "gun" up to your finger and pull the trigger knowing that there is a sting at the end. I've done it five times today alone. 9 and a half weeks and I am done with this stuff. Possibly sooner if I can get away with it.
[Mommy at 12:21 AM
January 03, 2003
It's been five days since my official medical time off and I'm doing well considering I'm alone alot and watching the same boring tv programs everyday. I'm glad mom is retired so I can go over and visit and sleep on her couch. I'm very picky about what food I eat to the point that I'm hungry alot. I'm hoping to see this dietition soon so I can eat again. Dave's car has been in for repairs and we have a large bill to pay. Now my car has to be taken in for a checkup. My computer melted inside and destroyed the expensive parts so we had to pay for that this past weekend. Our week is not going as well as planned. We've been trying to see the same movie twice now with no luck. It keeps selling out. I can have popcorn so I want to eat some when we go but we never seem to get there. I'm sure there will be a light at the end of the tunnel but I wish it would get here soon. Always the optimistic.
[Mommy at 01:15 PM
Gestational what?
January 01, 2003
My update from the doctor today is good and bad. I have gestational diebetes which I will be controlling with diet until the baby is born. I don't have preeclampsia but an initial form of it called hypertension which is my blood pressure is too high to continue with everyday things. I could still develop preeclampsia if I do anything strenuous so I must take it easy now. This will also disappear when the baby is born. I don't have placenta previa which is caused by the baby being attached near the cervix opening. I have grown a little more. So that means that I will have a natural birth and not a c-section (unless something arises in delivery to warrant one). Things are looking up for all those worry warts out there. Baby's heart rate is 150 and it is developing at the normal rate. He's kicking so much that he sometimes keeps a rythmn going. I swear it's going to be a musician or something. I bought 50 child hangers at Costco for a great price and I'm glad I saw them. My best friend, Becci, has been down for a couple of weeks now and Drina has been down as well. It's been good to see other pregnant friends and talking and such. I just wish they lived here so we could be even closer when everyone has their babies. We're practically due all together.
[Mommy at 11:45 PM
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! And what a year it will be in our house too. I took the three hour test at the lab for diebetes. This one entails that I sit for three hours after drinking a sugar drink and have four needles injected in me during that time. I think I've given enough blood now for the blood bank to keep. The drink is actually ok in small doses and I don't see what other people say about it being gross to drink. It tasted like Tang but lots more sugar in it. So this totals I think about 10 needles I've had so far and I'm not thrilled about this. I have many more to come it seems. I hate them piercing my skin. It's yuky!
[Mommy at 06:49 PM