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March 23, 2006
March 14, 2006
Tonight we went bowling with the company social club and Darren got to wear bowling shoes and actually have his own name on the board. The last few times he's just bowled under mom's name so he was all proud this time. He showed his shoes off to everyone and he really got into the whole "I got a pin mom!" routine. Emily also bowled and stuck her balls all over the lane. We had quite an obstacle course out there. For some reason Darren calls me Mama instead of Mommy now. The potty is still a hit and miss but one day he will be diaper free. The days are getting longer and Darren & I go out back and kick the soccer ball around. I'm Super Soccer mom now.
[Mommy at 12:12 AM
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Darren's 3rd Birthday
March 07, 2006
We had a great time at McDonald's for Darren's birthday party. Playing in the play place was their favourite. Everything went smoothly and the timing was dead on for all we had to accomplish in an hour and a half. He was definitely dead tired after all that excitement and went to sleep fast and long for his afternoon nap. Daddy bought him a trike. It's not a normal trike as you can tell by the picture. This one could probably damage anything it mows over and come out without a scratch on it. He got lots of playdoh which he hasn't tried at home yet. I prolonged that particular toy for as long as I could since it doesn't like carpet much. He's been itching to try it and I haven't found the right place to play with it yet. Perhaps the kitchen island would be a good place. He likes the ball game he got and he's been showing it off to everyone. He got some lego heroes and he's more interested in the heroes than the lego that came with it. All 'n all he's happy which is a plus around here.
[Mommy at 09:34 PM
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Emily's Birthday Party
We went to Emily's 2nd Birthday party on Sunday and had a great time. Darren really loved the balloonist. She made an alien on a skateboard and an exploding hat for him. For two days he's been playing with them. We had cake and candy and lots of food. He bumped his head while playing around in the balloon tent they made but all went well considering. At the end we had to drag him away because he thought the presents were for him to open. I had to explain that his birthday was next week and that the presents were Emily's this week. One year he'll get it. At least the new baby's birthday will be in the summer and no where near March. There's just too many people with birthdays in this month to keep track of.
[Mommy at 10:43 PM
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