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February 27, 2003

Getting REALLY big

Yup I'm big now! The basketball has gotten heavier with each passing day. Actually the picture down below makes me look bigger than I really am. You know how pictures make you look 10 pounds heavier. I'm 175 pounds now and I'm almost reaching Dave's weight. Scary but true.

My best friend will be having her baby either today or tommorrow cause her water broke today. This is her third and she's having it at home. I can't wait to hear what she had. This one's a surprise so we'll see.

The crib arrived! I went out and bought some sheets so I'll have something for the baby to lie down on. Now the room looks like a baby's room and it's all organized to my satisfaction. I had my fifth ultrasound on Tuesday and he was too big to get any real picture. Estimated weight right now is 5 pounds 9 ounces and it feels more like 12 pounds. There's not much room now for it to move around so now all I get is rolling motions and hiccups.

Three and a half weeks left until I can eat again! Yipee!

Posted by Mommy at February 27, 2003 02:57 PM
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