Welcome to our Baby Page!
August 20, 2006
A few pictures from 3 months ago
August 19, 2006
I figured that some of you might not have gotten these photos, or wanted to print your own copy. So, enjoy!
[Dave Stewart at 10:13 PM
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Katelyn Fuhrman
She was born on August 13th weighing in at 7 pds and 10 ounces just like Jack. They are similar in body. She's as cute as a button and sure to keep mom & dad busy. We haven't fixed the picture problem yet but when it gets fixed I'll put up lots of pictures. Darren has lots of kids to play with as they get older. We're back for the rest of the summer. As some of you know I've been spending alot of time in Vernon with the kids but hey you got to go when you can get the time off. Normally I don't have holidays in the summer so we can only go up for 4 days max at a time which is a bummer. Ce la vie! Jack is laughing and today he giggled for the first time. He smiles at faces and if he's really relaxed he'll talk to whoever is listening and he seems to like it when you talk back to him. Darren is a great brother so far and a loving one too. Darren has taken a keen interest in lego building so thanks to Mike for giving him so many because he's going to need them. He has started building airplanes and the legos have to be color co-ordinated so each plane is one color.
[Mommy at 11:28 PM
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