January Ultrasound
I had another ultrasound today. This one was way cooler than the rest. Since he's getting bigger and more and more distinct it's a real treat to see the development happening. I now know what is kicking my right side, it's the foot. He still faces my back but we got a good look at his face today because he turned toward the technician today. I have a picture of that one but it's hard to interpret so I just put up the profile one. This picture is of it's head and it's looking up. You can see the nose and lips and possibly an eye. The baby has hair now and lots of it. It's foot is near the mouth so he must be tickling his chin alot and we saw each individual finger on one hand. The other hand was hidden and the tech said it's lying on the other one. The coolest part was her showing me the tongue on a side view. It is actually sucking and the tongue moves back and forth now and again. Mom still couldn't see what it was and trust me she was looking hard. Well eight and a half weeks and it's going to blow this popsicle stand for sure. Possibly sooner.

Posted by Mommy at January 21, 2003 08:52 PM