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January 03, 2003

Gestational what?

My update from the doctor today is good and bad. I have gestational diebetes which I will be controlling with diet until the baby is born. I don't have preeclampsia but an initial form of it called hypertension which is my blood pressure is too high to continue with everyday things. I could still develop preeclampsia if I do anything strenuous so I must take it easy now. This will also disappear when the baby is born. I don't have placenta previa which is caused by the baby being attached near the cervix opening. I have grown a little more. So that means that I will have a natural birth and not a c-section (unless something arises in delivery to warrant one). Things are looking up for all those worry warts out there. Baby's heart rate is 150 and it is developing at the normal rate. He's kicking so much that he sometimes keeps a rythmn going. I swear it's going to be a musician or something. I bought 50 child hangers at Costco for a great price and I'm glad I saw them. My best friend, Becci, has been down for a couple of weeks now and Drina has been down as well. It's been good to see other pregnant friends and talking and such. I just wish they lived here so we could be even closer when everyone has their babies. We're practically due all together.

Posted by Mommy at January 3, 2003 11:45 PM
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