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January 17, 2003


I bought a stroller today at TJ's. I need the car seat to get my "out of the hospital free" card when the baby is here so I have been looking around for one. It's the first real major purchase I have made and I've been very happy with my choice so far. I have been proudly showing it off all night to everyone that has visited this evening. I'm sounding wierd already but when you don't do much exciting you take advantage of every opportunity you can.

I now have to prick myself everyday, some more often than others. I have a glucose meter now and I test my blood sugar because of the diabetes. I hate needles with a passion and what's even worse is they get you to prick yourself for these tests. I think it takes a lot of courage to put the "gun" up to your finger and pull the trigger knowing that there is a sting at the end. I've done it five times today alone. 9 and a half weeks and I am done with this stuff. Possibly sooner if I can get away with it.

Posted by Mommy at January 17, 2003 12:21 AM
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