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October 22, 2002


Well we were supposed to be going to our first prenatal class last night but the hospital has cancelled all their classes. They no longer offer them so now I am going to hopefully be registering somewhere else soon. My doula's partner teaches prenatal classes so I'm hoping to get in her January classes. Her name is also Tracy. The ultrasound is Friday afternoon so we will have b & w pictures for all to guess at. I don't put too much into those pictures. They don't look much like babies to me. But you can interpret them as you like. I'm going to bring the video camera in so I can see the whole thing in real time. What the heck! You only live once and then maybe once more. Maybe they'll be twins. Wouldn't Dave have a bird or maybe two?

Posted by Mommy at October 22, 2002 10:54 PM
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