Happy Birthday!
Well I had our son on May 19th at 12:18 am. It was Hot Dog Day at work and I ate 4 of them. I was hungry for sure. Darren and I had dinner and then my water broke. That was about 6:30 on the 18th. I went around and watered all the flowers and shrubs in the backyard since I was sure I might not get another chance. My contractions started at 9 pm and I watched CSI while I contracted every four minutes. We arrived at the hospital at 10:30 and got admitted and all. So I had him quickly after that. They didn't have time to do any epidural and the doctor arrived in the middle of my delivery. In fact Dr. Watts watched me give birth because I didn't seem to need his help.
I was out at 7pm on the 19th. The room was having a problem with the heat being permanently on and I was sweating to death with a hospital gown on. Not a place I wanted to be overnight.
Dave and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary on the 20th by going to Hy's for dinner. There was no way I was going to miss dinner on our anniversary. It was a fabulous dinner too.

He's sleeping most of the night now and I enjoy about 5 or 6 hours at a time. He feeds every three hours during the day and we've already taken him to many places. He travels well. Soon he will experience travelling the Coquihalla. Should prove easy if he's like his brother. Though he's different than Darren in that he's found his thumb tastes good in his mouth and he accepts the dummy. So a thumb sucker like his mama was.
Posted by Mommy at May 28, 2006 10:35 AM