37th Week
Well I hit the number 37 with flying colors. No baby yet!
My ultrasound was good and it looks like I get to wait until the baby decides to come out on it's own. No c-section for me.
I found out it's a boy! This is cool since I now don't have to buy any clothes for him. It's hand me downs for now. Darren has plenty of clothes he's never even worn that will do the job nicely. The baby is over 8 pounds now with 3 weeks to go so I don't think it'll be long before I have this one. The technician said he's got a overly large head (just like the rest of the Stewart men) and the doc said it's the shoulders I should pray are smaller.
The baby's room is now painted and I've been busy re-organizing all my baby clothes and arranging the baby's furniture. The only thing left is the crib itself that has to be dismantled and then re-assembled since it's in Darren's bedroom taking up room. Darren can't wait to get his train back up and running which we will put in his room soon.

I look ready eh?
Posted by Mommy at May 17, 2006 11:22 PM