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April 24, 2003

Big Trip

Well Darren's first big trip out of the city will be on Sunday. My parents and I are going to Vernon with Darren and the dog, Samantha, in tow. Everyone up in Vernon can't wait till we get there to see him. Especially Brian, who completely adores children. He's got four himself and he's such a character. Mom says he'll snatch Darren right out of my arms the minute he sees him. We're up there so I can get my boating license at the Vernon boat show. Darren keeps surprising me with these all nighter sleep periods. A new phenomenon happened today which delighted my mother to no end. Darren was lying across mom's legs face down (for some reason he likes this position) and he actually crawled around on my mothers legs 90 degrees before she caught him. He ran out of my mother's legs for his hands and almost fell head first down her legs. It was bizarre to watch and he wasn't upset or anything, just exploring. Mom thinks he'll be an early crawler/walker but we will see. He lifts his head just fine now when mom sits him up which is great. Everyday he surprises us with something new!

Posted by Mommy at April 24, 2003 11:34 PM
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