Well we got back from our last trip to Vernon this year. We locked up the house and said farewell until next year. This time Jeff, Heather, and Katelyn came up with us.

Darren is going as a pirate this year. We tested out the costume.

Jack is getting better at going to bed now. I feed him usually around 6 pm and he goes to bed at 7:30. He was having a problem with being left in his crib all alone and I think he might be afraid of the dark. I found that if I left the light on at a low level and gave him a blanket he didn't make a peep and fell right to sleep. It seems to have worked every night since I started it. So the last feed of the night is gone and Darren gave up the last feed at Jack's age too. They are similar it seems.

The best part about Jack is that he sleeps in until 10 am and lets mom get her beauty sleep. He also sleeps twice during the day which we will eventually combine into one sleep in the afternoon. Sometimes I have to wake him up in the morning. Awesome I know!
Darren starts swimming lessons next month and hopefully he will enjoy the water more when he learns that it's fun to play with.

Posted by Mommy at October 31, 2006 12:05 AM