32nd week
I had my ultrasound at women's hospital a while back. They say my placenta is 1 cm off the opening to my cervix which they don't like so they have arranged for me to have another ultrasound next month. If the 1 cm becomes 2 or more cms then they will be happier. If the placenta is blocking the opening then I will have to have a c-section. All I know is that I get to see the baby again which is awesome. It will be bigger and much larger on the screen and hopefully we can find out the sex then. I'm not holding my breath but it would be nice to know. I have 8 weeks to go and they say my baby is 4 and a half pounds now so I should be giving birth to an eight pounder by then.
My friend Karen is due tomorrow and I took this picture of us.

Posted by Mommy at April 14, 2006 10:43 PM