20 Week Ultrasound
Here's our first peek at the new baby. I'm 20 weeks or so now. I had this done on Jan 11th and they said the baby was slightly bigger than normal so they put me at 20 weeks and five days. So 21 weeks since Friday the 13th based on size. That puts my due date at June 2 but I still say May 28th is the day. I'm stubborn what can I say.

The first picture is the profile and you can see a nose, lips, forehead, not to mention the head also. The spine is there and the little dark mass above the spine is it's heart. In real time it's the only thing that really moves when it's being scanned and boy does it move. The leg is sticking up because the baby is in the fetal position. The second picture is the same thing but in front of the lips is it's hand. Though it's not very clear what it is I thought I'd clarify it for you. My father saw this with us and it was the first time he's seen a baby before it's been born. He thought it was neat and wanted to know everything he was seeing as the scanner changed positions. We saw the foot and the little fingers and the bones in the upperarm and thigh. No nether regions but my mom was hoping. She thinks it's a girl but I say it's a boy because it looks just like Darren's ultrasound picture.
My triple screen test came back negative for those of you who know what that test is for. So no amniocentesis for me which means I wait until the birth to find out the sex.
I'm feeling kicking and in the last two days since the ultrasound I've experience the pulling of the groin muscles and slight back pain. I think it's grown so fast that my body has been trying to adjust. I think by the time we hit the beach in Maui it'll be harder for me to move around.
Posted by Mommy at January 14, 2006 11:48 PM