An unhealthy start to November
For the first two weeks of November we have been sick, Darren and I. In October our roommate Ted had bronchitis and a touch of pneumonia. We have had something very different. I had a migraine for three days and a nasty cough. I just got the phlegm in the last two days. Darren had phlegm and a cough a week before me. He mimicks my cough now when I hack even though he doesn't have it anymore. I didn't think you'd want pics of us this time so I thought I'd put up some of my niece, Emily. She's so cute. I even got to take Emily for a night of fun while her mommy rested.

My parents, my brother and Simone are going to Reno next, next week and leaving Emily with family. I wish I was going but there'll always be next year when I get my holidays back.
Posted by Mommy at November 16, 2004 11:31 PM