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June 14, 2004

Our new pool!

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We haven't used it with water yet but when it gets hotter we'll wet the bottom for him to play with. We use his home-made tent for shade and it fits over most of the pool which he really likes. He loves bouncing the ball and running after it.

His new games now are peek-a-boo and tag. He chases me on the grass and giggles and laughs constantly.

I brought out his old chair which I used for him to sleep in when he was first born. He is starting to enjoy sitting in it and reading his books. Reading is his other favourite thing to do and boy is he going through the books rapidly. He's already bored with the ones he has.

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Oh ya and that's Emily in the playpen behind him!

Posted by Mommy at June 14, 2004 11:16 PM
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