Ring around the Rosy
Today we played ring around the kitchen island. He crawls with avengence now and there's no slowing him down. We also went out in the pouring rain and tornado winds to the EI office so he could get his social insurance number. I thought he would blow away in the wind if I hadn't held on to the stroller. At least there was no line up at the EI office which made it all worth trapsing through that horrible weather. The funny thing was that he actually liked the wind blowing in his face but the rain was too cold for his little hands so the mittens were put on.
He has accomplished the feat of sucking liquid out of a straw and he has mastered eating a whole arrowroot biscuit by himself without choking. These little milestones are fun to watch. The mess of the arrowroots though leave little to be desired of one who is a neat freak I'm afraid but I persevere. Yukky! All part of learning I say to myself when cleaning it all up. He also is trying to use a spoon but the food finds its way to other places other than his mouth.

Posted by Mommy at December 17, 2003 01:14 AM