Well the trip went well for me and Darren didn't suffer one minute without mom around. He was just fine with sticking around granny for a week it seems. I did alright in the casinos and won most of my gambling money back. I call it "making my deposit". I found a children's store in Tacoma Mall and bought all the Stewart Tartan clothes they had left. In Canada it seems that they only like dressing the girls in Stewart Tartan and not the boys so I was glad to find some down south. We're getting our Sears portrait done on Wednesday night which is good because he's growing out of clothes faster than I can put them on him. He's wearing 12 months and they are stretching a bit now. He's only 8 months!
When I got back I found my little backwards crawler doing it frontwards and he sits up and twists on all fours. He's all over the floor now and he seems to have a foot fetish. He likes eating socks, shoes, slippers especially. He's strange. He claps his hands and indiscrimenately says "dada" and "mama".
The pictures are of Darren with his great grandpa and his great, great aunt.

Posted by Mommy at November 11, 2003 12:20 AM