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April 17, 2003

All Nighter

Well for the past three days Darren has slept through the night without waking up. I'm so glad too. I was worried that he wasn't feeding like he normally would during the night but now I guess it's fine with him. He's getting lots during the day I suppose but for a minute there he had me doubting. I'm over it now. I like this sleeping through the night thing very much. I'm able to do other things now and I don't have to sleep when he sleeps. It would be nice to tackle the weeds in the yard but it's too big a job for me to do alone, especially during the three hour window he gives me during the day between feeds. If anyone wants to come over and help with the weeding I'd appreciate the company and help. I need to get some weed and feed but I can't carry the baby and get the bag at the same time if you know what I mean. That stuff is not good for baby to be around. The yard needs it too. It drives me insane looking at the weeds taking over the yard everyday and not being able to do it. Especially the crawling ivy in the backyard I tried so desperately to kill last summer.

Darren smiles now at mom and I. This morning he smiled and cooed at Dave which is a step up from what he does with us. Soon he'll be saying Da Da with a little help from momma. It's really exciting when you can get a communication going with your month old son, even if it's only a smile. I was thrilled and every morning we do this little exchange while I do his diaper. Life is cool at our house!

Posted by Mommy at April 17, 2003 09:47 PM
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