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March 03, 2003

Soon, so soon.

Everything is going well. The baby jumps alot and I get hiccups way too much. Sometimes it's annoying to get the ongoing rythmn that never seems to stop. I started doing some non stress tests at the hospital and it was very interesting. I get to push a button every time it jumps and it translates to a paper trail on the monitor. My feet started to swell up so now I try not to walk at all to keep the swelling down. My foot looks like my great grandmother's, all puffy and stuff. One is bigger than the other too. This I am not liking much. Everyone keeps asking if I'm ready for the baby to come out. I'm kinda in the middle. I don't mind the baby in there but I'd like it out just to eat and walk again. The inevitable will happen anyway but until then I will enjoy all the afternoon naps I can.

Posted by Mommy at March 3, 2003 10:16 PM
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