Merry Christmas
Well Christmas is here so that means I only have three months to go! I just got out of the shower and holy cow I've never looked bigger! A good bigger and I think it looks fantastic. I am perfectly round and I have no stretch marks. It's so cool to see yourself like this. Mostly everyone can tell I'm pregnant now but sometimes they don't and are completely shocked when they find out I am. The baby kicks all day now and yesterday I thought he was running a marathon. His kicking was almost constant sometimes, like he was running. It was bizarre. I have so far been able to do nothing...ok maybe almost nothing. I did the laundry today, does that count. I might even go swimming if I can get mother to calm down. She's freaked out about my doing even that. It's not like I'm doing laps or anything. I'll be staring longingly at the hot tub as I get into the pool. This New Year's Eve is going to be hard seeing everyone else drinking and I not having a drop of Bailey's. I hope this baby appreciates the dedication I put into this.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everybody!
Posted by Mommy at December 23, 2002 09:48 PM