Please, not me
One of the guys at work is waiting for his wife to give birth. She started having contractions 5 months into her pregnancy and has had them every day since. She was due on the 23rd of November and fancy that, it's late. Must be a boy since he was all for coming out early and now he's decided he's never coming out. Typical male! Another girl at work saw her sister's labour video. I think videos are tacky unless the movie is done respectively and very toned down. Who wants to see one of those anyway? It should only be for you and the child to see. I mean what is someone going to say when you ask them if they want to see it? No! Besides mothers were never meant to see that side of the coin if you know what I mean. Watching yourself in a vulnerable position and in pain and all is not what I think makes a great video for everyone to watch. The less people in the delivery room the better for me. Authorized personel only!
Posted by Mommy at November 26, 2002 10:07 PM