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November 02, 2002

Ultrasound, part II

The ultrasound at BC Women's Hospital was way better than my first ultrasound. They understand that you are human and that you might want to participate in seeing your baby while they do their jobs. Mom came with me this time and we got to see each part as she measured. They actually have a screen just for the mother to watch. The baby's legs were crossed at the ankle and it's facing my back. The baby is low and it's head is right down there. She had to scan really low to get it in the picture. It was the first time mom ever saw a baby for real on one. The heartbeat was good. I'm starting to feel a kick now and again. Most of the time I'm sure it kicks but I'm not used to it so I miss them in the daytime. I feel it at night mostly. I was told the baby is a good size and I'm still due March 25th. We both think it's a boy and Dave plays with me and says it's a girl then. We have this snapping match going on at the moment. I say it's a boy and he says it's a girl. Then we laugh at each other.

Posted by Mommy at November 2, 2002 09:56 PM
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