Today was the first time I think Jack has really been close to snow. His first impression was to point and say "Wow!". He giggled and then hesitated to go out into the falling snow and as always it's priceless to watch their first times.
Fall is Here!
We've been getting over multiple colds here. Darren was the first to get it and Jack is still getting over his spell of misery. Dave was off work for a couple of days and I got a mild case of it. Ray is sick now so hopefully we will all be over this soon.
Jack is happy go lucky even though he's been sick.

Jack is starting to speak with words like oooh, oops, hi. He's still perfecting his technique on walking straight but he's gained levels in learning the slide thing. This pic is when he was just discovering what that yellow thing was for. Today he discovered the slide at Richmond Centre's playground and loved it immensely with the help of his parents of course. Nap time was very good after that.

Darren is learning to spell words with the letters he's learned but he's liking the educational video games more. He's also learning daddy's game too which is not so good. As he plays on the computer next to dad he hears him dying and says "Did you die again Dad?" Dave growls. Now he gives Dave tips on his game playing which is so funny.
Darren and the family went to see the new Aerospace BCIT Campus here at the airport. He thought it was awesome.

This was by far the best weekend in Vernon we've ever had this year. My cousin Julia and her son, Arlan, came all the way from Germany to visit us here. Becci and her brood of children - Everrah, Elliott, Chloe - and her mother, Sandy were passing through on their way back to Prince George. After all the counting of children and adults there were 13 of us for two days together.

Here's some pics of my garden! From nothing to lots of flowers!

My corn is almost ready to cut the tops off and then harvest them.

The backyard before and now.

Summer with the kids
Here's some pics of the kids doing what they do best...playing!

Dad and Dave hanging out on the deck

Here's a couple of Darren posing for the camera.
Jack took his first steps yesterday!
Jack's Birthday Party
Jack had a good time at his party and he loved the ice cream cake too. Thank you to everyone who helped us celebrate his first birthday.

Vancouver Aquarium
We visited the beluga whales and the other sea creatures that live at the Aquarium today. The funniest part was when the beluga whale splashed us. Jack didn't expect that but Darren & I were prepared for the flow of water that came our way. Jack stopped screaming after I dried him off though.

We tried on some sunglasses on Jack. That Nicholson guy better watch out!

Hannah Leigh Myhre
My new niece came into the world at 8:30 am May 1st. We visited Simone and baby at Women's hospital today and they are doing fine. She'll be taking Hannah home tomorrow sometime to their new 2 bedroom apartment. Emily is in good spirits and just loves the new baby. Simone's family is helping her by unpacking her things and getting the apartment ready because they just possessed it May 1st. The birth came at the right time eh? Good timing!!!
Straight or Curly?
I recently changed my appearance but alas only for a day or two. Curly hair never goes away.
Vernon in April
We took our first trip up to Vernon this year. The first two days were good then my luck changed. Darren was fooling around going to bed and my foot slammed into the back of his heel. I think I fractured my second last toe so I've been limping ever since Good Friday.

The bunny was good to Darren this year. He dropped off a Nascar chocolate for him and hid a lot of eggs around the house.
Days of Sunshine!!
We went to the park this weekend! Darren had lots of fun running all over the place and tiring himself out.

Jack enjoys the indoors now that he crawls all over the place. He's even pulled himself up on the furniture on occasion.

We also celebrated Emily's 3rd Birthday this month at Tsawwassen Bowling Lanes. She's so cute.