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Tech Forum / Universal Disc Brake Adapter - Will it work on K2 Oz/4000/5000/5500?
« Last post by PaulieP on July 10, 2020, 04:47:31 pm »

Anyone have any thoughts on this adapter as a potential substitute for the now-impossible-to-find Hammerhead disc brake adapter, or modifying the 5996 adapter?

According to the very limited description they say it can be used for front or rear. I just wonder how securely it will hold. More photos on the Ebay link incl photos with calipers to show thickness and hole to hole distances.

Tech Forum / Re: Noleen NR-5 SmartShock - self-service or sell?
« Last post by PaulieP on July 10, 2020, 04:25:31 pm »
I saw it open on a Facebook photo it was completely disassembled, I know how to open it if you want but not so what oil to insert inside

That's great, would you be able to post/attach the photo here to the board so all can see? Or a link?

probably 5W-8W, 10W max. I have plenty of motorcycle 5WT fork oil that should work fine. Thanks
Tech Forum / Re: Noleen NR-5 SmartShock - self-service or sell?
« Last post by TheBikerPro on July 08, 2020, 01:31:45 pm »
I saw it open on a Facebook photo it was completely disassembled, I know how to open it if you want but not so what oil to insert inside
Tech Forum / Re: Nr-4 Service
« Last post by Blackjoy on June 16, 2020, 04:35:04 pm »
Just call Noleen.  They are still in business.  I had my NR-4 and NR-2 serviced by them about four years ago.
Tech Forum / Re: Well, its been a decade
« Last post by Blackjoy on June 16, 2020, 04:33:30 pm »
I haven't checked in for some time.  Recently had my Evil Following in the shop to get some custom work done by Avalanche.  Guy took four weeks to get it done, so I rode my 957 during that time.  At first, it was kind of sketchy.  I really miss having a dropper post.  But after about the third ride, I was having fun again.  I had to cut down my seat post so I could lower the seat on downhills. 

The 957 is still a cool bike and very capable XC bike.  If I spent more time and money on tuning the suspension (swapping the springs), it would be even better. 

But...there's no denying that 29'er's are way more efficient and can just monster truck stuff.  Going to ride today and let someone try out my 957.
Tech Forum / Re: proflex 656 tips?
« Last post by Blackjoy on June 16, 2020, 04:28:33 pm »
$500 is a ridiculous price for a bike from 1996 unless it was in pristine condition and you were a collector.  Wait till he dies and buy it from his wife in a garage sale for $20.
Tech Forum / Looking for Any Service Info for Stratos Air Shock
« Last post by theycallmethefatman on May 17, 2020, 05:54:19 am »

I was able to get a 856 frame and fork on the cheap and acquired two Stratos air shocks with it. The seem to work and hold air very well, but the "squishy" sound the make has me wondering about at least changing the oil out. From what I have been able to find the shocks used ATF (what kind, I have no idea) and one post said the shock can be drained & refilled by removing the air valve. The shock though has a sticker warning about the shock being under pressure. So, after that long story, can anyone add any useful information to my meager collection?

Thank you,

Tech Forum / Re: noleen shock gauge and filler( and noleen shocks)
« Last post by Colin on May 12, 2020, 07:19:11 am »
Hi Kiwi,
I vaguely remember these kits being up for sale a few years back, possibly on eBay, I considered buying one at the time, but, like you would probably have never used it!
Same here, my XP-X resides in retirement, due to the purchase of a Genesis Croix de Fer Road/Gravel/Tourer bike......
my 4000se has not left the garage for a couple of years and I have still not finished my modernised Oz build!

Tech Forum / Re: proflex 656 tips?
« Last post by Willie_B on May 12, 2020, 04:07:50 am »
That price seems high, the fellow is just guessing at a price. If he has had it a long time he is going by what he paid for it, not what they are selling for. If you get a feeling he will listen then print up some info on any sales you can find online and show him what they are going for. We all like to think our stuff is worth more than it really is. Also explain it will go to good home, not butchered or parted out.

Where are you located? Most of us more than one Proflex in the garage.
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