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25 May 2012 - FUCK YES !!! finaly..


hey aircare, go fuck yourself, you money grabbing cunts
Now that SMF 2.0 is finally gold, I've installed that, converted everything to the new format, moved over a bunch of the ridepix, etc.  I'm significantly happier with the new code, and I may actually get off my lazy ass and rewrite a bunch of the stuff that really needs it.

Anyway, if you find any bugs, let me know.  I'll fix what I can and ignore the rest, as usual.

28 Oct 2011 - Who are the idRIDERS?

We are a group of riders from the Vancouver, BC, Canada area. We are certainly not a closed club, by any stretch of the imagination, and appreciate new blood from the area. Join our forums, come out to a weekend ride with us, teach us something or learn something from us, to quote one of our riders, It's all good.

If you are not reasonably local to our area, I'd suggest heading over to the more cosmopolitan forums at MTBR, Pinkbike, or NSMB. Not that I am trying to turn people away, I just think you'll have better luck finding people / trails / parts suitable for your area.

28 Oct 2011 - Ride Pix Update

Once again, the riding pictures are moving.  Notice the link in the top menu that says "Media"... or click this: http://idriders.com/id/forum/index.php?action=media

28 Oct 2011 - Excuse Generator

For all those people that never seem to have a good reason why they can't come ride, use this little program. http://idriders.com/excuse.html
Pages: [1] 2