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Author Topic: Vector II Fork Strip Down & Rear Bridge Question - NOW WITH PIC :-)  (Read 5746 times)


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Re: Vector II Fork Strip Down & Rear Bridge Question - NOW WITH PIC :-)
« Reply #15 on: January 17, 2010, 09:42:01 pm »
Not yet - but I haven't really looked. I was relying on gil m of retrobike sorting them out, he seems to have a good rep for retro stickers :)

WD :)

That  must be Gil Montague. Yes, he can do the "Girvin" part for either the Vector (1) or Vector 2. Those are each uniquely proportioned, but he has not yet done one with the American flag integral with the name, as my Vector 2 legs have got. As for the Vector (1), with the detached flag, he can do the name and the flag could be sourced elsewhere, but the Vector 2's "wind-blown" flag will probably be impossible to find as a separate sticker or even as part of some other graphic. Of course there's nothing, except for the desire for originallity, that prevents a guy from using either of Gil's stickers and applying a flag sticker above the "Girvin" from the country of their choice.
