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28 Oct 2011 - Definition

Id: Unconscious part of the mind which consists of natural instincts [STAYING DRY], urges, and drives that are repressed. It includes "internal events" which stem from the influence of heredity [WHICH IS ODD BECAUSE I'VE LIVED IN THE BC LOWERMAINLAND MY WHOLE LIFE]. Although the id is the cause of all activity [OR INACTIVITY], the thoughts are often unconscious and repressed. According to Freud, all instincts can be traced back to the existence of the Eros [DRY PAVEMENT/URBAN] and the Destructive instincts (or death instinct)[RIDING THE NORTH SHORE]. Within Eros is the contrast between the instincts of self-preservation [STAYING DRY] and preservation of the species [SHOWING UP ENOUGH SO IM NOT KICKED OUT FOR BEING A FAIRWEATHER LOLLYGAGGER]. Its goal is to bind the gap between "ego-love" [DRY PAVEMENT/URBAN - SEEING SCANTILY CLAD LADIES ON THE SEAWALL] and "object-love" [BRODIE 8-BALL]. The second instinct, the destructive instinct [RIDING THE NORTH SHORE], tries to destroy the connections made by Eros [FUNNY, I'D RATHER GO RIDE THE SHORE THAN GO ON A DATE WITH A SUPERMODEL].

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