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I recently got a genesis and an astro5 (front and rear)My only problem with the front is that it doesnt quite clear the existing fork structure, im going to have to strip the forks and grind a small section away from the top swinging plate (dont know what its called!) It only clears the valve if the valve cap is left off and the plate is also touching the shock when no load is on the bike.I'll try to take a snap at some point.Of course it could be something ive done wrong, but im pretty sure it went back together ok.Andy.
Contacted Risse for a quote.Any comments or advice! Mr752
pretty sure the NR4 that was on my way big 857 is the one now on my 855, so that would confirm it wouldn't it?
Mr 752..perhaps you should enquire about an x57 shock....as far as i know the taper is the same...I have asked risse a couple of time to confirm this but I reckon the taper never changed .The freedom plate is to make the x55 shock fit "OVER" the top of the taper...as the x57 shock came later they did nt feel it necessary to change their info....I reckon an x57 shock with built in taper would be the way to go on a x56 type strut.As long as someone can confirm the taper is the same!