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I still love my eleven year old proflex xp8. gold and black uk limited edition!!! . Firstly its rare and secondly its light weighing in at 23.90 lbs which sounds heavy but its a way large frame so we are talking a 23-24 inch top tube length for starters.( i'm 6 foot 3). I've specced it up with xt cranks , cross max ceramic coated wheels etc, xtr derailleur/ brakes and ritchey wcs where poss. The pic attached is mid way through so its a bit different in its final form but it will give you an idea of where its heading.What do you think!! Does any one else still ride one of these as I have never seen anyone else on one.
Cheers dude,Incidentaly, does anyone know where i can get the bushings which sit inside the main frame? (its wierd, not really a bushing, but more a series of rollers in a cage). I'll try and get some pics of the part i'm talking about either tonight or tomorrow.When i start building it i'll put up a progress report. I'm planning it to be the ultimate all-rounder, here's an estimated build list: