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Author Topic: I learned about riding/life from....  (Read 2594 times)


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I learned about riding/life from....
« on: April 07, 2004, 02:24:56 pm »
the off road ride I took yesterday, my first of the year, and re-discovered something I had lost/forgotten over the past couple years.
anyway, before I get into that, let me say that I started this thread as a way for us all to relate something that is about real life that we learned/thought about while riding, or just random thoughts that come while riding.

anyway, here's my story from yesterday. I was riding on Blue Crush and found myself being very tentative riding on certain sections of trail. This tentativeness caused 2 falls and a couple bruises. It really ticked me off because back in the old day, on my original rigid bike, and even on my steel front sus. ht, I used to have no problems with these sections. But there I was, riding a fancy dual sus., carbon, custom paint job, very exp. bike, and I was having probs. lesson: its not about the bike (although bike porn is not bad, its good to have nice stuff). so, then I got to thinking, when I first started playing music, I only played baritone sax, and played and played it. then, after I few years I branched out into other woodwinds, like flute, alto flute, clarinet, bass clarinet, alto sax, sopranino sax. so, now I have trouble trying to keep up with all of them.
then, when I got into windsurfing, I had one board and one sail that I sailed with all the time. then, as I progressed I got another board, sail, etc. so now I have 3 boards, 9 sails, several masts, booms, etc.
and you know what? I don't sail as much partly because its a pain to load all the stuff up.
then, I get into mountain biking, pick up a Trek 930 rigid bike, ride it all the time. on trails, on roads, on trips, commuting, etc. ride, ride, ride. then, I progress to the point where I want cool bikes. so now, I have carbon road bike, 2 carbon mountain bikes, working on building a touring bike, was going to build a dh/fr bike. that idea has now been scrapped.
anyway, its one's attitude about the sport, not the equipment.  its all about the ride, whether it be riding, sailing, music, skiing (a few years ago I pared down from 3 pairs of skis to one) etc. That is, do it, don't sit around thinking of cool stuff too much. but if you have the cool stuff, just go out and use it, do it.
that's what I learned yesterday, although I do love to ride my Calfee road bike.
so now, its your turn to tell us what you have learned while riding a bike.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2004, 03:06:18 pm by Dennis »
K2 Oz - Blue Crush
Giant MCM Team carbon HT - Momentum
Peugeot PX 10E - 1969
Trek 930 (tourer) - Valkyrie
Calfee Luna Pro - photon
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Re: I learned about riding/life from....
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2004, 07:09:57 am »
Fortunately, I don't have to worry about riding many bikes. I never ride my road bike anymore (boring), so that leaves me with the '98 4000 and my knock around/beach bike, an old Trek 820.

I can relate to your situation though, I went thru the same thing except with motorcycles many years ago. It got so bad that I was more interested in my next acquisition than I was in actually riding. Much effort was put into researching the magazines for the latest greatest superbike. I ended up with quite a collection of current models but really didn't enjoy them as much as the sole bike I currently own. Maybe it was too much confusuion and distraction. Plus, IMHO, when you're constantly switching equipment, it  becomes more difficult to maintain proficiency. There's an old saying, "fear the man with many guns, but fear the man more that only has only one". Meaning, he probably knows how to shoot it really well.

But... if you are going to pursue different types of  biking, you may truely need several different models. Road, DH, XC race, trail bike etc.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2004, 10:45:16 am by Phillip »


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Re: I learned about riding/life from....
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2004, 08:25:51 am »
It got so bad that I was more interested in my next acquisition than I was in actually riding. Much effort was put into researching the magazines for the latest greatest superbike. There's an old saying, "fear the man with many guns, but fear the man more that only has one". Meaning, he probably knows how to shoot it really well.

Philip, insert sail , board, instrument , whatever for "superbike" in your quote and add internet to "magazines" and you have captured exactly what I am feeling. Thanks for putting it more succinctly than I did. [smiley=groucho.gif]
K2 Oz - Blue Crush
Giant MCM Team carbon HT - Momentum
Peugeot PX 10E - 1969
Trek 930 (tourer) - Valkyrie
Calfee Luna Pro - photon
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Re: I learned about riding/life from....
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2004, 01:48:41 pm »
In reality, your 2 mishaps were probably related to  this being the first ride of the season. Either that or you were just having an "off" day. Now if this starts happening on every ride, then you might be a candidate for counseling. ;-)


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Re: I learned about riding/life from....
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2004, 02:17:34 pm »
 I have one mountain bike I ride. I have a frame and nearly enough components for another bike. I never can decide if I want a freerider or winter beater. So I spend lots of time buying and selling components. I feel that the whole buying/ selling and researching components keeps me interested in mtb'ing - say when the weathers bad or I just need that "treat myself" feeling. Anyway, I slice it, it is a hobby wether I am out riding or building.


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Re: I learned about riding/life from....
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2004, 07:19:31 pm »
i always find that my first rides are quite tentative,and i always lower the seat for my next ride..With the F/s bikes it pays to hit those techy bits with a bit more speed..i find if you try to pick through the suspension aborbs your momentum and when it rebounds it upsets your balance......I am even more crazy than you guys,i do a lot of research and buy nothing!!!!!
kiwi proflex rider