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I remember hitting the wall in one of my first long off-road rides. First I started feeling a bit cold, then my legs became shaky, I started pedalling slower and slower until I couldn't balance any more, so then I pushed the bike on foot, then I couldn't even do that, my mates had to push it for me (still several miles to get back to the cars). We had no food with us. Eventually I was within 20 feet of the car and I just couldn't do it, I sat down where I was and couldn't move. Nothing could have made me budge right then! I was lucky I wasn't alone or that the weather wasn't too bad. Had a couple of scrapes since then, but have learnt my lesson!
Hi chaps, on the subject of the London to Brighton ride Mrs Tels doing it, Im driving her and her brother to the start and then bringing them back home again. Its all happening on June the 15th farthers day and my b^%y birthday, some day Ill be having. Enough moaning and back to the long rides, Mrs Tel once talked me into riding 120km to see a stage of the tour de France, her on a coppi campinissimo and me on the XPX loads of hills, all I could do was to try to hang on her back wheel until the next hill when it would quite rapidly dissappear, but a great day out lots of French folk looking at my bike made me feel a lot better before the long slog back home. Cheers, Tel.