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Author Topic: '98 k2 3000 versus '96 Proflex Attack frames  (Read 8230 times)


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'98 k2 3000 versus '96 Proflex Attack frames
« on: April 17, 2008, 01:01:13 pm »
  I just bought a '98 k2 Proflex 3000 (I'm still waiting for it to be delivered) and I already have a '96 Attack.  From the pix I have of the 3000, it looks like the differences were limited to the carbon fiber swing arm and the shocks (the Attack still had elastomers).

  I've been pretty happy with my Attack although I know there were better models out there.  I picked up the 3000 because I'm tired of worrying about the elastomers on the Attack failing.  They're too soft already, and the fact that I'm too heavy for the one that I have left just makes me certain that their days are numbered...

Can anyone confirm whether this is the case?  If so, are the swing arms interchangeable?   ???  Below are pictures of my Attack and the k2 3000 I just acquired through eBay.

My 'new' k2 3000

My '96 Attack

Anything you can tell me about the 3000 would be greatly appreciated...
1998 k2 Proflex 3000
1996 Proflex Attack
1994 Proflex 754


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Re: '98 k2 3000 versus '96 Proflex Attack frames
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2008, 04:31:16 pm »
You are going to love the 3000. I would put a lizard skin on the noleen shock. Your 3000 is basically an 857(great bike) with a different paint job. The series is essentially called the x57 series. I have the 1997 957, and I love it.

The swingarms are generic to themselves. I would not monkey with putting a carbon swingarm on the attack. You will be getting twice the rear wheel travel too. You may or may not like the crosslink in the front. I replaced mine with a Noleen Megair for 4 inches of robust travel in the front.

Happy biking,
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Re: '98 k2 3000 versus '96 Proflex Attack frames
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2008, 11:22:12 pm »
3000 may have even been the 957...ie rebadged 3000 for 1998
kiwi proflex rider


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Re: '98 k2 3000 versus '96 Proflex Attack frames
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2008, 01:52:35 pm »
You'll love the 3000,but the saddle on it looks well weird


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Re: '98 k2 3000 versus '96 Proflex Attack frames
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2008, 01:26:26 pm »
Got the 3000...it took me a couple weeks to get the wheels true and to actually hold air.

You'll love the 3000,but the saddle on it looks well weird

The saddle is junk, but I can just pull the one off my 754...either way I'm going to have to cut down the seat post or get another one of those too.  I'm 5' 11" and am stretching a little too far on the downstrokes with this frame...

Anyway, thank you all for the input!  You're right, I do love the bike! ;D
1998 k2 Proflex 3000
1996 Proflex Attack
1994 Proflex 754