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Tech Forum / Re: Rear shock adaptors?
« Last post by DugB on April 23, 2021, 01:31:42 pm »

I think a bunch of us are still connected to the forum...but I also see a lot of the same names on the K2/Proflex rider group on Facebook.

My recommendation would be to look in the Files section of this forum for any drawings you can take to a machinist. The Noleen shock is still available, as are Risse air shocks, for the rear of the 857. Folks have also experimented with a shock eyelet adaptor that, because it rotates the lower eyelet of a standard shock 90 degrees, had linear rigidity to it. I bet you'll find some photos of it in the Media section.

My recommendation would be to go with the Noleen or Risse.

- Doug :-)
Tech Forum / Re: Rear shock adaptors?
« Last post by Coops on April 20, 2021, 04:46:29 pm »
Hello all. I’m not sure I will receive a reply,  in view of only a decade slipping by.....but I have an 857 in need of a means to replace the. Noleen NR2 rear shock. Did anyone finalise a cunning plan please?
Tech Forum / Re: POST BUY SELL WANT,proflex and K2 finds here!
« Last post by serviceguy on April 19, 2021, 08:38:52 am »
It's on a public group on FB, everybody should be able to access the following link:


This guy is selling an anodized frame claiming the 'Elite' markings are 'under' the anodizing. WOuld not answer with the model of the bike because he probably doesn't know or doesn't want to. Supposedly belonged to a Proflex engineer...this is kind of local to me, I have no interest in the frame because too expensive for the parts and I don't like shady sellers and it's not a large...but some parts could be of interest.
Tech Forum / Re: Tube Trouble
« Last post by spikebender on March 29, 2021, 02:16:09 am »
 Problem fixed, the rims I'm using are double walled. The inside hole was a little larger the outer. So I took a presta nut and a Dremel and tapered it then ran that on the stem first and nutted the outer stem.
Tech Forum / Re: Did anyone notice.................?
« Last post by shovelon on February 20, 2021, 09:47:42 pm »
Hey. we're back!  8)
Tech Forum / Re: Did anyone notice.................?
« Last post by Willie_B on February 16, 2021, 07:30:41 pm »
Yep, I did along with others that inquired on Facebook.
Tech Forum / Did anyone notice.................?
« Last post by Colin on February 16, 2021, 04:30:16 am »
Site was timing out since the 12th Feb and unavailable, but now restored by our Host!
Cheers Dave!

Tech Forum / Re: Tube Trouble
« Last post by Colin on November 24, 2020, 08:34:13 am »
Hopefully not modded as that will probably cause a nice sharp edge to cut your tube!
When I say "drilled" I mean "manufactured/designed"

Bottom line is, measure the diameter of the hole.
or, if a Presta valve rattles around in it and a Schrader is a nice snug fit then you need to use Schrader or get an adapter grommet and yes possibly on the inside as well, all in all, best to use the valves the rim is designed for........

Tech Forum / Re: Tube Trouble
« Last post by spikebender on November 17, 2020, 06:11:45 pm »
They haven't been drilled out or modified but now that I think about it they are double walled the inside hole may be larger gonna check that out right now.
Tech Forum / Re: Tube Trouble
« Last post by Colin on November 12, 2020, 09:10:42 am »
The question is what diameter valve are the rims drilled for?
Presta valves are only 6mm dia, whereas Schrader are 8mm.
If you use Presta tubes in a Schrader drilled rim, then yes, you run the risk of the tube bulging up through the hole and ripping the tube especially if you're at all rough with them during vigorous pumping (Phewerrrr!) <GRIN>

If this is the issue then you need a "Schrader Drilled Rim to Presta Valve Reducer Grommet"


Or here's a sexier and elegant solution:

I use both valves on my bikes, just depends upon the rim.

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