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Tech Forum / Elastomers rebuild kit.
« Last post by Redliner on January 13, 2022, 12:29:16 pm »
Hello proflexers:
For quite some time that i am thinking to replace the coil springs of my 856, to a elastomer rebuild kit. I allways felt that the conversion to coil springs made my bike stiff. So maybe if i replace the springs with elastomers, despite keep the suspension as more original as possible, but also improove the performance.
What are your feedback about the suspensionforkparts.net ? Are they worthable?
Many thanks in advance.
Tech Forum / Re: Facebook group?
« Last post by Willie_B on July 21, 2021, 06:32:08 pm »
Sorta keep up with it daily.
Tech Forum / Re: Facebook group?
« Last post by Colin on July 20, 2021, 06:45:59 am »
Tech Forum / Re: Facebook group?
« Last post by kiwi on July 09, 2021, 11:25:28 pm »
so how many here go to that facebook group?
Tech Forum / Re: Facebook group?
« Last post by kiwi on June 06, 2021, 02:39:08 am »
well done dave as always!
Tech Forum / Re: Facebook group?
« Last post by GrimJack on May 30, 2021, 03:10:06 pm »
The downtime was my fault... recently was assigned a new IP address, and I dutifully updated the DNS registry, but neglected to change the configuration on my internal network, so outgoing traffic wasn't going anywhere. The challenge is that I get new IP addresses so seldom that the update process isn't habitual. And of course it all works if you're testing it from inside my network, which I was, so... oops. Sorry folks!
Tech Forum / Re: Facebook group?
« Last post by Colin on May 30, 2021, 01:19:02 pm »
That's not just "someone"!
that's the godlike Mike Hammer who created disk brake adaptors for our bikes!!

Glad to see the old forum back up again! 
(down for quite a few days a while back.....)

Tech Forum / Re: Facebook group?
« Last post by serviceguy on May 30, 2021, 07:38:41 am »
Here it is...


Good info too, I just learned someone removed the dropouts off the carbon swingarm of a K2/Proflex to extend the chain stays and sun a 29" wheel...this rekindled my K2/Proflex addiction and I'm going to try it next, looks like I had relapse after years of Knolly and Salsa bikes...
Tech Forum / Facebook group?
« Last post by GrimJack on May 29, 2021, 01:11:49 pm »
Rumour has it there's a FB group. Anyone have an address? A couple minutes searching turned up not much, but Facebook search is... well, FB search.  :)
Tech Forum / Re: Rear shock adaptors?
« Last post by Coops on April 30, 2021, 04:20:22 pm »
Thanks Doug. I am still learning to navigate the site via iPhone, which is a pain. I did get a guy called Christian from Simply Bearings try to help (a company mentioned in some ancient blogs) but he needs seal dimensions from the shock, which I thought was an NR2, but maybe NR1? (It has the conical lower insert). If I fail with media 😂 I may ask someone to strip the shock and try to measure the internals. I have a friend in engineering if any patterns for adapters show up. I’ve had the bike from new, so would be nice to get it working again. Thanks for the response.
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