K2 / Proflex Riders Group

General => Tech Forum => Topic started by: PaulieP on July 10, 2020, 04:47:31 pm

Title: Universal Disc Brake Adapter - Will it work on K2 Oz/4000/5000/5500?
Post by: PaulieP on July 10, 2020, 04:47:31 pm
https://www.ebay.com/itm/Bicycle-ALUMINUM-CNC-DISC-BRAKE-ADAPTER-WORKS-ON-FRONT-AND-REAR-BIKE-SIDE/283419290000?hash=item41fd1b2990:g:WlYAAOSw18BcjQiJ (https://www.ebay.com/itm/Bicycle-ALUMINUM-CNC-DISC-BRAKE-ADAPTER-WORKS-ON-FRONT-AND-REAR-BIKE-SIDE/283419290000?hash=item41fd1b2990:g:WlYAAOSw18BcjQiJ)

Anyone have any thoughts on this adapter as a potential substitute for the now-impossible-to-find Hammerhead disc brake adapter, or modifying the 5996 adapter?

According to the very limited description they say it can be used for front or rear. I just wonder how securely it will hold. More photos on the Ebay link incl photos with calipers to show thickness and hole to hole distances.

Title: Re: Universal Disc Brake Adapter - Will it work on K2 Oz/4000/5000/5500?
Post by: PaulieP on July 10, 2020, 04:48:24 pm
Title: Re: Universal Disc Brake Adapter - Will it work on K2 Oz/4000/5000/5500?
Post by: PaulieP on July 10, 2020, 04:50:43 pm
one more
Title: Re: Universal Disc Brake Adapter - Will it work on K2 Oz/4000/5000/5500?
Post by: Retro Hasbin on October 29, 2020, 08:59:27 pm
Is there any interest in Disk Brake Adaptors